Frenectomies in Vicksburg, MS

Supporting New Families: Undoing Your Baby’s Tongue Ties

Welcoming a new baby brings joy, but it can also bring unexpected challenges. If your little one is struggling with feeding issues, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure where to turn.

At Nash Family Dentistry in Vicksburg, MS, we offer support and solutions for families facing these difficulties. Dr. Nash provides expert care for infants and children who may benefit from a frenectomy – a simple procedure that can significantly improve oral function. Our team understands the stress you’re experiencing and is committed to guiding you through this process with compassion and expertise. We’re here to help your baby thrive and to restore peace of mind to your family.

What Is A Frenectomy?

A frenectomy is a minor surgical procedure that involves the removal or alteration of a frenum in the mouth. A frenum is a small fold of tissue that connects one part of the mouth to another. There are several frena in the mouth, including:

  1. The lingual frenum: Connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth
  2. The labial frenum: Connects the upper lip to the gums above the front teeth
  3. The buccal frenum: Connects the cheeks to the gums

When a frenum is too tight or improperly positioned, it can cause various oral health issues. This condition is known as a tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) when it affects the lingual frenum, or a lip-tie when it involves the labial frenum.

Dr. Nash at Nash Family Dentistry in Vicksburg, MS, performs frenectomies to address these issues and improve oral function for patients of all ages.

Why Does My Baby Need A Frenectomy?

Babies with tongue-ties or lip-ties may experience difficulties impacting their growth and development. Here are some reasons why your baby might need a frenectomy:

  1. Breastfeeding difficulties: A tight frenum can make it challenging for babies to latch properly, leading to inefficient feeding and maternal discomfort.
  2. Poor weight gain: If babies can’t feed effectively, they may not receive adequate nutrition, resulting in slow weight gain.
  3. Excessive gas or colic: Improper latch can cause babies to swallow more air, leading to digestive discomfort.
  4. Speech development issues: As children grow, a tongue-tie can interfere with proper speech development, causing articulation problems.
  5. Dental health concerns: A tight labial frenum can contribute to gaps between the front teeth or gum recession.

Dr. Nash at Nash Family Dentistry in Vicksburg, MS, carefully assesses each case to determine if a frenectomy is necessary for your baby’s health and development.

Frenectomy Procedure

The frenectomy procedure at Nash Family Dentistry is quick, safe, and minimally invasive. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Consultation: Dr. Nash will examine your child’s mouth and discuss the need for a frenectomy.
  2. Preparation: The area around the frenum is numbed using a local anesthetic to ensure comfort during the procedure.
  3. Incision: Dr. Nash uses precise techniques to carefully cut or remove the restrictive tissue.
  4. Suturing: In some cases, dissolvable sutures may be used to promote proper healing.
  5. Recovery: Most patients experience minimal discomfort and can return to normal activities shortly after the procedure.
  6. Follow-up: Dr. Nash will schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor healing and assess improvement in oral function.

At Nash Family Dentistry in Vicksburg, MS, we prioritize patient comfort and use state-of-the-art equipment to perform frenectomies efficiently and effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a frenectomy procedure take?

The actual procedure typically takes only a few minutes. However, the entire appointment, including preparation and post-procedure instructions, may last around 30-45 minutes.

Is a frenectomy painful for my baby?

Your dentist takes great care to minimize discomfort during the procedure. For infants, a topical anesthetic is often sufficient. Older children and adults may receive a local anesthetic. Most patients experience little to no pain during or after the procedure.

How soon after birth can a frenectomy be performed?

In many cases, a frenectomy can be performed within the first few days or weeks after birth, especially if it’s affecting breastfeeding. Your dentist will assess each case individually to determine the best timing for the procedure.

Will my child's speech improve immediately after a frenectomy?

While some patients may notice improvements quickly, it often takes time and potentially speech therapy to see significant changes in speech patterns. Your dentist can guide post-procedure exercises and referrals to speech therapists if necessary.

Are there any risks associated with a frenectomy?

Like any surgical procedure, there are some risks, including bleeding, infection, and scarring. However, these risks are minimal, and your dentist takes all necessary precautions to ensure a safe procedure.

How long is the recovery period after a frenectomy?

Most patients recover quickly from a frenectomy. Infants can usually breastfeed immediately after the procedure. Older children and adults may experience some mild discomfort for a few days, but this can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Take Action for Your Child’s Oral Health: Contact Us Today

Your child’s comfort and health are our top priorities at Nash Family Dentistry. Whether you’re in Vicksburg, MS, or nearby areas like Jackson, Clinton, or Yazoo City, we’re here to help your little one thrive. Don’t let a tongue-tie or lip-tie hold your child back from proper feeding, clear speech, or a confident smile.

Take the first step towards a happier, healthier future for your child today. Call us at (601) 738-9313 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nash. Every moment counts in your child’s development, and we’re ready to support you on this important journey. Let’s work together to give your child the gift of improved oral function and a lifetime of beautiful smiles.

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