When you think of correcting your teeth, you probably think of expensive or time-consuming cosmetic dentistry options like braces or bridges. But did you know you can achieve a more beautiful, practically perfect smile in just two dental appointments? Porcelain veneers are a popular option for those who have minor smile imperfections they want to cover up, but are they the right treatment option for you?
What Are Porcelain Veneers?
Veneers are thin shells that snap over your teeth and are secured in place with a special dental cement. They look just like real teeth but can be shaped to perfection. Drs. Kenneth and Jonathan Nash are experienced in customizing smiles and covering up dental imperfections with porcelain veneers.
Are You a Good Candidate?
Not everyone is a candidate for veneers, so it’s important to talk to your dentist about the procedure and whether or not it would work for you. Here are a few common dental problems veneers are often used to treat:
- Slightly crooked teeth
- Minor gaps between the teeth
- Yellowing or dark stains (including coffee and tobacco stains)
- Minor chips or misshapen teeth
If you have very crooked teeth or major dental problems, veneers may not be the right choice for you. Dr. Nash will perform a thorough examination to determine what type of treatment will best fit your situation and provide you with the outcome you want.
If it’s determined that you’re a good candidate for veneers, you’ll experience an almost instantly improved smile with minimal office visits. Veneers are stain-resistant, so you won’t need to worry about having them whitened. You will still need to practice good oral hygiene to keep your smile healthy and beautiful.
How To Get Started
It’s easy to start the process for receiving porcelain veneers. Simply call Nash Family Dentistry during business hours and we’ll set up your appointment with Drs. Nash at your convenience.