Losing even a single tooth can greatly increase your risk of developing other oral health issues. Our dentist will suggest getting dental implants immediately or else you will face the following problems.
1. Jawbone Loss
Teeth stimulate the jawbone in the same way exercising stimulates your muscles. Without a tooth, the jawbone goes unused and experiences atrophy. The bone tissue deteriorates, and this can impact the look of a person’s face. Dental implants provide that necessary stimulation, so the jawbone can retain its strength.
2. Bite Irregularities
After a tooth is lost, the surrounding teeth shift out of position to compensate for the extra space. This results in a bite irregularity that can make it far more difficult to chew. Additional problems can result, including increased tooth sensitivity, jaw muscle pain and temporomandibular joint disorders.
3. Speech Problems
Every part of your mouth, from your tongue to your teeth, impacts how you talk. Losing certain teeth can significantly affect the way you pronounce certain words. Many people find when they lose even one tooth that they spit, whistle or slur certain words.
4. Gum Disease
It is far more difficult to brush and floss your teeth when there is a substantial gap in your smile. As a result, bacteria can easily make its way into the gap. This accumulation of bacteria increases a person’s odds of developing gum disease.
5. Insufficient Nutrition
Without certain teeth, you will have a harder time chewing certain foods. For instance, if you lose one of your molars, then it will be harder to chew fibrous vegetables, which you need for essential nutrients.
Contact Us Before Any of This Occurs
If you are in need of dental implants in Vicksburg, MS then contact the office of Dr. Kenneth Nash to schedule an appointment. Our dentist will develop a treatment plan to address all of your oral health issues. Once the dental implant is in, you will enjoy better oral health, improved self-esteem, an easier time eating and an enhanced appearance.